House System

All students of Trinity Academy, Krishnagiri are assigned to one of the following Houses.

Each House is to be mentored by a House Master and assisted by a House Captain and a House Vice Captain in discharge of their duties. House System is designed primarily to nurture leadership, healthy competition and facilitate governance and accountability in the House.

1. Shammah (Presence of God) House

Shammah (Presence of God) House - Trinity Academy CBSE Krishnagiri

2. Sharon (Song of God) House

Sharon (Song of God) House - Trinity Academy CBSE Krishnagiri

3. Shalom (Peace of God) House

Shalom (Peace of God) House - Trinity Academy CBSE Krishnagiri

4. Shekhinah (Dwelling of God) House

Shekhinah (Dwelling of God) House - Trinity Academy CBSE Krishnagiri